Think of our stories as your next favorite joyride.
I want you to enter a bar and make this bar your own by reading this book about an old man who entered a bar to remember love, along with the joy and pain and laughter this love brought him.
Father to daughter; father to father; father to mothers; father to drugs—it all comes crashing down on this
man-child, as he becomes incapable of juggling his responsibilities.
Boy meets girl and together they tell a love story like no other: compassionate, sexual, emotional, and sad as all hell. And of course, there’s a cat; find out why the cat is also sad.
The 1st in the Words & Graphics, this collection of works and images will confirm that you are not alone in how you truly feel—the thoughts you still haven’t shared with anyone are here.
A mental state that is characterized by hallucinations and other disturbances and is associated with prolonged deprivation of sleep, sensory isolation,
or psychoactive drugs.
Would you leave the world you know behind for love? Well, these two did just that for each other, in order to save one another from the aftermath of a tragic accident. This is not a tale for the lighthearted one, this is a story for one who wants the experience of how true love can leave you hopeless while hope is still by your side.
When best friends in middle school plan to run away from home, to the moon, things get complicated when some of their classmates discover the means of their escape—and want to join as crew!